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What is Durban’s true identity? Too many Durbanites believe a negative narrative about our city. We know that there are real challenges that need to be addressed, that is why CityStory exists… but let’s also celebrate what is great about Durban.
For example, Did you know Durban is the most internationally awarded City in South Africa!
CityStory is a collective of passionate individuals who’s ambition is to see Durban grow into a hub of excellence.
If you would like to shape Durban, we’d love to hear from you, and connect you to like minded people in your area of interest.
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When we say, “Durban can become one of the most desired African cities to live in”, we are referring to the whole of the eThekwini Municipality i.e. the greater Durban area.
Although many people have written off the CBD because of crime and drugs, there is a trend that shows more diverse groups of people being attracted back into the CBD who enjoy the facilities and lifestyle that Durban has to offer. We therefore aim to change the negative narrative in the media and in our everyday conversations about Durban. Simply put, the CBD is right in the middle of our greatest assets and we need it to be safe, beautiful and flourishing in order for us to thrive as a city.
Having said that, it is important to realise that the Durban CBD, the beaches, the Point, the harbour and the main sporting precinct still hold key Durban attractions that drive our city’s economy. Think about our Cricket, Rugby and Soccer stadiums, the beaches, the promenade, uShaka Marine World, the ICC and the Exhibition Centre – these features are what keep Durban alive and vibrant by attracting big events and driving tourism. Along with the key geographic location of our harbour, these assets grow our economy and that, in turn, improves Durban’s reputation.
Our motto is to CONNECT, COLLABORATE, CHANGE. We therefore aim to connect local government, businesses and churches and collaborate with the people of this city. This can only be achieved as a collective effort, so if you want to be part of this movement, join our #CommunityOfCourage by signing up here.
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